$10,000 SSS Divisional Bonus attached to the Saturday Open 4D Jackpot
Congratulations to all the Select Stallion Stakes enrolled participants who competed at THE RENOVO BARREL RACE, which took place in WINONA, MN on AUGUST 3, 2024!!
Big Thanks to CASEY VARPNESS and the entire SC PRODUCTIONS staff for all their hard work and for hosting the Select Stallion Stakes Open Divisional Bonus at this event!
REMINDER: Select Stallion Stakes Open Bonus checks are paid to the highest placing enrolled horses within the open jackpot divisions. We do NOT set new division splits based on the SSS enrolled horse results. If a division does not have enough enrolled horses to fill the prescribed number of places, bonus money will be redistributed in a manner deemed equitable by Select Stallion Stakes. Select Stallion Stakes bonus results can also be viewed on our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/SelectStallionStakes
Select Stallion Stakes requires a current season W9 for all money earners. A W9 can be downloaded from the irs web site: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf
Any changes or corrections MUST BE CALLED IN to Robin Hofmann (405) 615-4998 OR Logan Hofmann (405) 623-5837 before 9am central time, 8/21/24. Once checks are cut no changes will be made.